Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Time goes fast when you're an Erasmus student!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
St. Severin Skole!!!
Wednesday, 19.11.2008
Hi everybody!
It seems that this period of time is very crowded with activities. Many things are happening for me in this time: visits to danish friends in my spare time, projects for school, etc. This week I have been enjoing my time at school very much. First of all because this week I had a meeting with Bjane, my psychologist teacher. This meeting was very challenging for me because I learnt some methods and tehnics used in cognitive therapy. Another nice event which happened this week was the visit to the biggest school from Haderselv, St. Severin Skole.
I visited the school in company with Judit. We went together to Severin Skole where we met with Lasse, the teacher who took care of us during our visit. The school is very big, around 800 pupils study there. We attended to the ninth and the forth degree on their English and Music classes. In the begining we started with the ninth degree where we presented our power point presentation about our countries. The pupils were curious about our culture and they asked some questions. Especially the girls they were interested in our language. They wanted to know how sound our language therefore they asked us to talk something in romanian and in hungarian. After we finished with the ninth degree we went to the forth degree where we also talked a little bit about our countires. In that class was a girl which is half romanian and she could recognize the food when I was talking about some romanian food. She also can speak some hungarian and Judit changed some words with her in hungarian. The last class was music with Lasse. It was the nicest class because we song some danish songs and they had the possibility to listen a romanian Christmas song and a hungarian song. The children were so enthusiastic because we were there. Judit recorded them while they were singing, they were really cute and funny:).
We spent a whole day in the school from 9:30 until 14:00, but we couldn't realise how the time just flew because was a nice experience being there.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Dance and Drama
Hello everyone!
I am coming with news about this wonderful course, because as far as I know I just mention about my first class. Since then many things have happened. On one of the classes we actually played a drama. It all started by looking at an image with a girl. According with the image we were asked to create a story about the girl. On the first picture the girl was a child and we had to put a past behind her. In the second picture the girl was a woman and in this situation we had to create her story between the period when she was a child until the period when she became a woman. After the story was created, we put it in movements and played it. In my opinion all what we've done was to work with our imagination and we did well. It was really nice :).
Another interesting thing, we did was to play a stomp. I have never played stomp before but it was really cool. We enjoyed it a lot. And we also learnt some dances and played at drums.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Let the art speak...

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My birthday in Denmark 04.11.2008
Here ends my nice birthday in Denmark!